Korean Workbook Day 14

 Korean Workbook Day 14

오늘은 한국어 워크북에서 이런 표현을 배우려고 합니다. 매일매일 한국어 워크북으로 공부해요.Korean workbook day14

 I think we (I) need to...

 우리 (저) ....해야 할것 같은데요.

1. 저 앞에서 우회전 해야 할것 같은데요

2.우리 좀 쉬어야 할것 같은데요

3.우리 새 아파트를 구해야 할것 같아

4.전문가의 도움을 받아야 할것 같은데요

5.집에 가는 길에 마트에 들려야 할것 같아요. Korean workbook day14

Speak Korean while reading English sentences and speak English while reading Korean sentences.Korean workbook day14

1. I think we should turn right in front of you.
2.I think we need to rest.
3.I think we need to find a new apartment.
4.I think I need some professional help.
5.I think I should stop by the mart on my way home. Korean workbook day14

Take a break and watch this video. I'll teach you in Korean. Korean workbook day14

                         오리! 꽥꽥     돼지! 꿀꿀     강아지! 멍멍    
                       호랑이! 어흥   고양이! 야옹     꼬꼬닭! 꼬끼오

Five more sentences  Korean workbook day14

1. 부모님께 여쭤봐야 할것 같아.

2. 직장을 옮겨야 할것 같아요

3.우리 오늘부터 다이어트를 해야 할것 같은데요

4.카톡으로 연락을 해야 할것 같아요

5.내일 엄마하고 병원에 가야 할것 같은데요.


 Speak Korean while reading English sentences and speak English while reading Korean sentences. Korean workbook day14

1. I think I should ask my parents.
2. I think I need to change jobs.
3.I think we should go on a diet from today.
4.I think I need to contact him through Kakao Talk.
5.I think I have to go to the hospital with my mom tomorrow.

오늘도 수고했어요. 내일도 여기에서 공부해요.Korean workbook day14

       I am a Korean teacher. 
               If you want to learn Korean from me,
               you can find me at preply korean tutor CHANG AE.

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